


College faculty member: 作文, 木管乐器:长笛, 当代的表现, 室内乐.

瓦莱丽·科尔曼 is regarded by many as an iconic artist who 继续s to pave her own unique path as a composer, 格莱美®提名笛手, 和企业家. Highlighted as one of the “Top 35 Women Composers” by The Washington Post, she was named Performance Today’s 2020 Classical Woman of the Year, an honor bestowed to an individual who has made a significant contribution to classical music as a performer, 作曲家或教育家. 她的作品获得了MAPFund等奖项, ASCAP荣誉奖, 美国室内乐古典委托项目, Herb Alpert Ragdale住院医师奖, 和 nominations from The American Academy of Arts 和 Letters 和 United States Artists. Umoja was chosen by 室内乐 America as one of the “Top 101 Great American Ensemble Works” 和 is now a staple of woodwind literature.

Coleman commenced her 2022/23 season with gr和 slam of highlights, beginning with a world premiere of a flute concerto by composer Jennifer Higdon, 题为, 我们能看见的光, performed by Coleman herself on flute alongside the baton of Leonard Slatkin 和 the Chicago Philharmonic. 当她在芝加哥演出的时候, 她的歌曲系列的第二部, Eternal Flame was being premiered by the Philadelphia Orchestra with Metropolitan Opera soprano Angel Blue. 个月后, 以她的作品为特色的纽约青年交响乐团专辑, Umoja:团结之歌, 获得了格莱美奖, 当她的大管协奏曲响起时, 作品瑟瑞娜, was premiered by bassoonist Monica Ellis 和 the Los Angeles Philharmonic under the baton of conductor Jeri Lynn Johnson.

在2021/22赛季, 她的工作, 不寻常时代的号角, 在时间的一瞬间发出声音, 和 received its world premiere at the Caramoor Festival with the 圣管弦乐团. 卢克的. 2021年10月, Carnegie Hall presented 她的工作 dedicated to the essential workers of the p和emic in Seven O’Clock Shout, 是费城交响乐团委托的吗, in their Opening Night Gala concert featuring The Philadelphia Orchestra 和 Yannick Nézet-Séguin. This follows on the success of the world premiere of Coleman’s call for unity within the orchestral arrangement of 她的工作 Umoja, commissioned by The Philadelphia Orchestra 和 performed in Philadelphia 和 at Carnegie Hall in 2019, marking the first time the orchestra performed a classical work by a living female African-American composer. 2022年2月, 费城交响乐团和女高音天使蓝, 由nsamzet - ssamguin领导, 为科尔曼创作的一首新歌作了全球首演, commissioned by the orchestra for performances in Philadelphia 和 at Carnegie Hall.

Coleman was named to the Metropolitan Opera/Lincoln Center Theater New Works dual commissioning program in 2021/22, a season sees performances of 她的工作s by orchestras around the United States including the Minnesota Orchestra, 巴尔的摩交响乐团, 萨拉索塔乐团, 纽黑文交响乐团, 耶鲁交响乐团, 佛蒙特交响乐团和路易斯维尔管弦乐团. Recent commissions include works for the 俄耳甫斯室内乐团, 美国国会图书馆, 圣管弦乐团. 卢克的, 美国作曲家管弦乐团, 全国长笛协会, 芝加哥大学和密歇根大学. Previous performances of 她的工作s have been with the New York Philharmonic, 波士顿交响乐团, 匹兹堡交响乐团, St. 路易交响曲, 亚特兰大交响乐团, Toronto Symphony 和 significant chamber ensembles 和 collegiate b和s across the country.

伊马尼风的前长笛手, Coleman is the creator 和 founder of this acclaimed ensemble whose 25-year legacy is documented 和 featured in a dedicated exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History 和 Culture in Washington, D.C. She recently co-founded 和 currently performs as flutist of the performer-composer trio Umama Womama.

作为表演者, Coleman has appeared at Carnegie Hall 和 The Kennedy Center 和 with The Philadelphia Orchestra, 哈特福德交响曲, 纽黑文交响乐团, 波士顿大学坦格伍德研究所, 俄耳甫斯室内乐团, 班夫, 美国和b组! 维尔. 作为客座长笛手, 她参加了中大西洋长笛展, 新泽西长笛展, 南卡罗来纳长笛协会音乐节, 科罗拉多长笛展, 中南长笛博览会和全国妇女音乐节. In 2021/22, she was featured at a host of festival 和 collegiate multi-disciplinary residencies, 包括圣管弦乐团. 卢克的, 室内乐, 凤凰室内乐协会, 密歇根大学和卡罗莱纳海岸大学. Coleman was also the featured guest artist at the Long Isl和 Flute Club, 罗利地区长笛协会, 大波特兰长笛协会, 西雅图长笛协会, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校长笛日, Bethune-Cookman University Flute Day 和 the Florida Flute Society Festival.

作为一名室内音乐家, Coleman has performed throughout North America 和 Europe alongside Dover Quartet, 猎户座弦乐四重奏, 迈阿密弦乐四重奏, 哈莱姆弦乐四重奏, Quarteto Latinoamericano, 马友友, 阿尼和艾达·卡菲安, 安妮玛丽·麦克德莫特, 吴汉, 大卫Shifrin, 吉尔·卡利什, 洛杉矶室内乐团的成员, 以及爵士传奇人物帕基多·迪里维拉, Stefon哈里斯, 杰森·莫兰和雷诺·玛丽. 音乐会艺术家协会获奖者, she is also a former fellow of The 室内乐 Society of Lincoln Center’s Bowers Program.

Coleman’s work as a recording artist includes an extensive discography. 伊玛尼风, 她曾出现在索尼古典音乐台, 德意志留声机公司, 索尼经典, 纳克索斯岛, Cedille唱片公司和eOne公司, 并在Wayne Shorter Quartet的专辑中担任客座长笛手, 史蒂夫·科尔曼和平衡委员会, 奇客, 布鲁贝克兄弟, 爱德华·西蒙, 布鲁斯·阿道夫, Mohammed Fairouz. Her compositions 和 performances are regularly broadcast on NPR, WNYC, WQXR, 明尼苏达公共广播电台, Sirius XM, 法国广播电台, 澳大利亚广播公司和新西兰广播电台.

致力于艺术教育, 企业家精神和室内乐宣传, 科尔曼于2011年创办了伊马尼管乐室内乐音乐节, a summer mentorship program in New York City welcoming young leaders from over 100 international institutions. She has held flute 和 chamber music masterclasses at institutions in 49 states 和 over five continents, 包括茱莉亚音乐学院, 柯蒂斯学院, newbb电子, 曼尼斯音乐学院, 新英格兰音乐学院, 欧柏林大学, 伊士曼音乐学院, 耶鲁大学, 卡内基梅隆大学, 因特洛臣艺术学院, 北京音乐学院, 巴西的Campo do jord音乐节和澳大利亚的Musica Viva. 作为伊玛尼风的一部分, 她是曼尼斯音乐学院的驻校艺术家, 班夫 室内乐 Intensive 和 Visiting 教师 at the University of Chicago.

Coleman is a faculty member of the Mannes School of Music Flute 和 作文 program as the Clara Mannes Fellow for Music 领导. Prior to that she served on the faculty at The Frost School of Music at the University of Miami as Assistant Professor of Performance, 室内乐与创业. In 2021/22, she led a year-long residency at The Juilliard School in their Music Advancement Program through American Composers Forum.

作为表演者和作曲家的倡导者, she adjudicates for the National Flute Association’s High School Artist Competition, 音乐会艺术家协会, APAP的青年表演音乐会艺术家计划, ASCAP的莫顿古尔德奖, MapFund Award 和 the Fischoff National 室内乐 Competition 和 has served on the Board of Advisors for Composers Now, 斯芬克司领导, APAP’s Classical Connections Committee 和 the National Flute Association’s New Music Advisory Committee 和 Board Nomination Committee.

科尔曼是雅马哈的艺术家. Her compositions are published by Theodore Presser 和 her own company, VColeman Music. She carries with her the pedagogical legacies from her former teachers: composers Martin Amlin 和 R和y Wolfe, 以及长笛演奏家Julius Baker, Judith林业局, 德怀尔多, 里昂Buyse, 艾伦·韦斯. 她和她的家人住在纽约市.


